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Three Decades of Toxicology Publishing: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Growth

Writer's picture: Clive RoperClive Roper


Publishing in peer-reviewed journals is always challenging, especially within the toxicology industry, where legal and commercial constraints often pose barriers. My journey with publishing began during my PhD research (1990–1994), leading to my first 4 papers (1995–1998).

During my 25 years at Charles River Laboratories (1996–2021), I authored 13 papers focused on in vitro toxicology. These included 10 on skin penetration, 2 on ocular toxicology, and 1 on inhalation toxicology, reflecting my passion and expertise in the field.

Since founding Roper Toxicology Consulting in 2021, I’ve seen a remarkable volume and diversity shift in my publications. In less than 4 years, I’ve published 20 papers covering topics such as skin penetration (5), inhalation toxicology (5), conference summaries (5), and other areas (5). This growth represents the evolution of my business, experience, and the incredible collaborative opportunities I’ve been fortunate to engage in.

At Roper Toxicology Consulting, we focus on dermal absorption, respiratory toxicology, general in vitro toxicology, microphysiological systems (MPS), and advancing new approach methodologies (NAMs).

A heartfelt thank you to my many collaborators—working alongside you has been intellectually stimulating and personally rewarding.

I’m excited to share that several papers are in the works for 2025 and beyond. Stay tuned—there’s much more to come!

My publications from 2021 to the present:

  • LaFollette MR, Baran SW, Curley JL, Dickinson AM, Frazier T, Hobi N, Huang MI, Hutter V, Maisonneuve BGC, Marsh GA, Mahendran R, Müller I, Qian X, Singh D, Thelin WR, Vukasinovic J, Candarlioglu PL, and Roper CS (2025). The use of MPS in Three Rs and regulatory applications: perspectives from developers on stakeholder responsibilities.  ATLA 53(1); 26-41. doi: 10.1177/02611929241310566.

  • Haber LT, Bradley MA, Buerger AN, Behrsing H, Burla S, Clapp PW, Dotson S, Fisher C, Genco KR, Kruszewski FH, McCullough SD, Page KE, Patel V, Pechacek N, Roper C, Sharma M and Jarabek AM (2024). New approach methodologies (NAMs) for the in vitro assessment of cleaning products for respiratory irritation: workshop report. Frontiers of Toxicology 6:1431790. doi: 10.3389/ftox.2024.1431790.

  • Sharma M, Huber E, Arnesdotter E, Behrsing HP, Bettman A, Constant S, Date R, Deshpande A, Fabian E, Gupta A, Gutierrez R, Gutleb A, Hargrove MM, Hollings M, Hutter V, Jarabek AM, Landsiedl R, Milchak L, Moyer RA, Murray JR, Page K, Patel M, Pearson SN, Petersen EJ, Reinke E, Roldan N, Roper C, Scaglione JB, Settivari RS, Verstaelen S, Wallace JL, McCullough S and Clippinger AJ (2024). Minimum information for reporting on the TEER (trans-epithelial/endothelial electrical resistance) assay (MIRTA). Archives of Toxicology.

  • Ward TA, Goldsby H, Connolly M, Roper C, Treasure C (2024). Predicting acute oral toxicity using AcutoX: an animal product-free and metabolically relevant human cell-based test. ALTEX. doi: 10.14573/altex.2311142.

  • Ejaz S, Roper C, Finlayson Z, Saitta KS, McCarthy T, Sun F, and Southall MD (2024). A comparative study of the in vitro dermal absorption of radiolabeled benzophenone through human skin. Toxicology In Vitro 98: 105835. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2024.105835.

  • Sewell F, Alexander-White C, Brescia S, Currie RA, Roberts R, Roper C, Vickers C, Westmoreland C, and Kimber I (2024). New approach methodologies (NAMs): identifying and overcoming hurdles to accelerated adoption. Toxicology Research, 13(2), tfae044.

  • Kandárová H, Roper C, and Dvořáková M (2024). ESTIV 2022: Key enabling non-animal technologies for research, education and testing. Toxicology in Vitro 105779.

  • Brackin T, Gayes H, Johnson I, Fox D, and Roper C. (2024). Skin barrier function for regulatory skin absorption tests and effects on testosterone and sucrose absorption. Toxicology In Vitro 95; 105735.

  • Page K, Westerink W, Sullivan K, McDonald T, and Roper C. (2024). Assessment of the utility of the novel Phenion® full thickness human skin model for detecting the skin irritation potential of antimicrobial cleaning products. Toxicology In Vitro 94, 105726,

  • Belsey NA, Dexter A, Vorng J-L, Tsikritsis D, Nikula CJ, Murta T, Tiddia M-V, Zhang J, Gurdak E, Trindade GF, Gilmore IS, Page L, Roper CS, Guy RH and Boncheva Bettex M. (2023). Visualisation of drug distribution in skin using correlative optical spectroscopy and mass spectrometry imaging. Journal of Controlled Release, 364; 79-89.

  • Roper CS and Neill DR. (2023). Transitioning acute in vitro inhalation toxicology testing to chronic and repeat dose testing; the challenge of mucus depletion in upper airway test systems and use of sputum mimics. Open Access Journal of Toxicology 5(4); 555669. DOI: 10.19080/OAJT.2023.05.555669.

  • Wallace J, Jackson GR, Kaluzhny Y, Ayehunie S, Lansley AB, Roper C, and Hayden PJ. (2023). Evaluation of in vitro rat and human airway epithelial models for acute inhalation toxicity testing. Toxicological Sciences 194 (2); 178‑190.

  • Naik NN, Vadloori B, Poosala S, Srivastava P, Coecke S, Smith A, Akhtar A, Roper C, Radhakrishnan S, Bhyravbhatla B, Damle M, Pulla VK, Hackethal J, Horland R, Li AP, Pati F, Singh MS, Occhetta P, Bisht R, Dandekar P, Bhagavatula K, Pajkrt D, Johnson M, Weber T, Huang J, Hysenaj L, Mallar B, Ramray B, Dixit S, Joshi S, Kulkarni M. (2023). Advances in Animal Models and Cutting-Edge Research in Alternatives: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3Rs Research and Progress, Vishakhapatnam, 2022. ATLA 51(4); 263-288. DOI: 10.1177/02611929231180428.

  • Turner J, Pound P, Owen C, Hutchinson I, Hop M, Chau DYS, Barrios Silva LV, Coleman M, Dubourg A, Harries LW, Hutter V, Kenna JG, Lauschke VM, Neuhaus W, Roper C, Watkins PB, Welch J, Rego Avarez L, and Taylor K (2024). Corrigendum to Incorporating new approach methodologies into regulatory nonclinical pharmaceutical safety assessment. ALTEX 41(4): 674-675. doi: 10.14573/altex.2408291. Erratum for: ALTEX 40(3); 519-533.

  • Turner J, Pound P, Owen C, Hutchinson I, Hop M, Chau DYS, Barrios Silva LV, Coleman M, Dubourg A, Harries LW, Hutter V, Kenna JG, Lauschke VM, Neuhaus W, Roper C, Watkins PB, Welch J, Alvarez LR and Taylor K (2023). Incorporating new approach methodologies into regulatory nonclinical pharmaceutical safety assessment. ALTEX 40(3); 519-533. doi:10.14573/altex.2212081.

  • Kluxen FM, Roper CS, Jensen SM and Koenig CM (2022). Characterizing local acute irritation properties of captan and folpet with new approach methods. Applied In Vitro Toxicology 8 (3); 83-101. DOI: 10.1089/aivt.2022.0004.

  • Roper CS, Hargrove MM, Sullivan K and Wolf D (2022). Case study on the use of an Integrated Approach for Testing and Assessment (IATA) for New Approach Methodology (NAM) for refining inhalation risk assessment from point of contact toxicity of the pesticide, chlorothalonil. ENV/CBC/MONO(2022)31. OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications Series on Testing and Assessment No. 367.

  • Hummer J, Birngruber T, Sinner F, Page L, Toner F, Roper CS, Moore, DJ, Baker MB and Boncheva Bettex M (2022). Optimization of topical formulations using a combination of in vitro methods to quantify the transdermal passive diffusion of drugs. International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

  • Welch J, Wallace J, Lansley A and Roper C (2021). Evaluation of the toxicity of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) in the MucilAir™ human airway model in vitro. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 125; 105022.

  • Singh B, Abdelgawad ME, Ali Z, Bailey J, Budyn E, Civita P, Clift MJD, Connelly JT, Constant S, Hittinger M, Kandarova H, Kearns VR, Kiuru T, Kostrzewski T, Kress S, Durban VM, Lehr CM, McMillan H, Metz JK, Monteban V, Movia D, Neto C, Owen C, Paasonen L, Palmer KA, Pilkington GJ, Pilkington K, Prina-Mello A, Roper C, Sheard J, Smith S, Turner JE, Roy I, Tutty MA, Velliou E, Wilkinson JM (2021). Towards more predictive, physiological and animal-free in vitro models: advances in cell and tissue Culture 2020 conference proceedings. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 49 (3); 93-110.

  • Plaza A, Toner F, Harris J, Ottersbach P, Roper C and Mahony C (2021). Support for regulatory assessment of percutaneous absorption of retronecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids through human skin. Support for regulatory assessment of percutaneous absorption of retronecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids through human skin. Planta Medica 88 (2); 144-151. DOI 10.1055/a-1505-8524.

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