What is a business without customers and partners?
After only 4 months of operation, Roper Toxicology Consulting has over 20 customers and service agreements and there are more under negotiation.
Thank you to my amazing web designer who, with patience, has shown me how to share and link to my partner and customer companies onto my website and for further publicising on LinkedIn. There are other companies who chose to remain confidential, and I am very pleased to retain this confidentiality with them.
So, please take a look at this page: https://www.ropertcl.com/testimonials and find out about some terrific technologies, fabulous partners and awesome service providers. There will be more following.
If you need their services, please let me know and I will introduce you, or just say you found about them through this website.
In answer to my question, What is a business without customers and partners? They are contracts, they are relationships, they are stakeholders, solution provers but most of all, they are driven by talented individuals and I am enjoying working with and for you all.